One question both myself and singing teachers I know get asked a lot is 'how old should you be before you start taking singing lessons?' My personal answer on this issue depends on what is trying to be accomplished. For example, if the person asking me about the lessons is a parent who is looking at taking their youngster and turning them into the next Charlotte Church singing prodigy, then I would say they need to wait until they are around the 9-10 year old stage. AND, and this is really important, they need to want to do the lessons themselves. It's no good trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. If the child doesn't want to sing and has no real interest then lessons will be wasted as they may attend, improve, but never really reach their full potential through a lack of desire and passion. Remember, square peg, round hole... it's very important.
However, if you have a little 'un that is just so in love with the sound of their own voice and wants to sing along to everything and anything. Then, for me, it's never too young to get involved in the wonderful world of music. But, it depends in what capacity. My personal belief is that starting young (7 years old for example) should be fun! And, then you should add a pinch of FUN! Things like sight singing and music theory may be a sure fire way of killing their enthusiasm and making the lessons so dull that they will lose all interest. Things like singing classes in groups of other children, or school workshops like those the school provide, or, even just modern pop songs being taught in a manner that keeps them interested, excited and wanting to improve would be my personal preference.
School workshops (for example, check out - who provide school workshops for Children of all ages, but mainly primary) particularly these days are gaining momentum and there are some great practitioners and music teachers out there who are really flicking the switch in children's minds and getting them not only interested in music at an early age, but also driving their passion, belief and building confidence. In addition to school workshops for children there are also many professional singing schools out there that will place your child in classes with likeminded children and young, funky teachers who again will inspire instead of quashing all passion.
Anyway, back to the question... how old? For me, if the youngster is really interested and wants to learn in a backhanded way via workshops or singing classes... realistically, I would say about 7 years old. For more traditional style singing lessons or school workshop style lessons 9-10 years of age.
As usual, I personally also recommend - because they provide singing courses and singing classes for 7-18 years of age with brilliant singing teachers!
And, that's it... hope that helps, but let me know if you have any other opinions, stories or experience you'd like to share.
Thanks :)