Thursday, 28 March 2013

Great things to Eat & Drink if you are a Singer

We briefly touched on the importance of diet and the right and wrong things to eat in an earlier blog (check here to recap), but, it can be difficult to know what to eat if you are trying to protect your voice from a cold or if you are trying to look after your voice in general. Here are some great ideas to keep you sounding tip top and in great vocal shape.

Vegetables & fruits are a great resource for natural energy as they are natural foods – singers need oxygen in their blood as well as energy and greens in particular are great energy givers: spinach (raw not cooked), mixed greens, broccoli & peas! So, it seems your Mum is right... do eat all those greens!

Foods that are high in water are great for keeping you hydrated. Watermelon or melon of any kind is super hydrating for your voice!

Salads are a great way to stay healthy, with a bit of balsamic vinegar you can make something very appetising. And be sure to add some celery as it great for your nerves!

Fruit Juices are great! BUT, stay away from orange juice as this can cause reflux (for more on Reflux, check this). Apple Juice is the one for you, or if you are feeling up to it, Carrot, beetroot and a small amount of ginger are great things to add too.

Strawberries! Are an amazingly tasty fruit and are great for your Larynx! So, eat these little babies to your heart's content!

Vegetable based soups or broths. But not tomato or cream based as this can give you reflux.

Good meats: turkey, chicken, salmon. These are all great sources of protein and will help to keep energy levels up there with the best of them.

Ketchup has a lot of sugar and this can actually deplete energy so try to avoid it.

Sweet potatoes are better than rice or pasta for Carbohydrates. And some people even prefer them to normal potatoes. And, they're called Sweet Potatoes! I mean, come on, they're sweet dude!

And if your voice is feeling a little under the weather, have a mug of hot water with honey and lemon.

Massive special thanks to Lili who provides singing lessons in Maidstone, Kent for these great tips.

More soon folks, but until then have great Easter weekends... and, not too much choccy eggs!!

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