Monday, 4 February 2013

Microphone Technique Help... Advice for Singers!

Todays singing tip is from Agne, a singing teacher in Basingstoke, and will help you with your microphone technique. It is very easy when singing to fall into the habit of holding the microphone in the wrong way. It is after all quite a heavy object in your hand that can feel quite cumbersome after a 40 minute plus performance!

Despite this remember to hold it so that it is pointing at your mouth and about an inch away to avoid any unwanted 'popping' sounds. This makes sure the sound travels right through the microphone and picks up a full bodied sound and will deliver the best possible tone. Singing across the microphone (if it is pointing up for example) will result in a very thin and airy sound.

Also be mindful that it doesn't slowly move and start pointing away from your mouth like your cheek for example. When you are in the moment and rocking out on stage you do not want to be told after your performance that no one could hear you because you were pointing the microphone at your chin!!

Sound advice for singers everywhere! Thanks Agne :)

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