Good Monday! Over the weekend I was talking to a Canterbury singing teacher called Morgan. When I asked her for a recommendation for singers out there, she said 'get yourself some earplugs!' And, here's why this is a fantastic piece of advice for budding and professional singers alike. Your ears are the only pair you'll ever get and hearing loss will not only affect your singing but your entire life!! Your ears are the only pair you'll ever get and hearing loss will not only affect your singing but your entire life!! YES, I meant to repeat that twice because it is SO important! So, be it for performing or watching a live band, get yourself a good set of earplugs to keep you safe.
With regards choice, there are ear plugs specifically for singers that allow you to change the reduction of unwanted noise. This helps to get the balance right in your head between the music your singing to and the level of you own voice. A lot of professional singers get their ear plugs molded to the shape of their ears for the perfect fit. Why not have a look on Google and get investigating which ones are right for you!
Great singing tip!